Friday, June 3, 2011

Back To Court We Go

And the saga continues. Today our favorite idiots go before the 8th Circuit Court for the NFL's appeal of Judge Susan Nelson's ruling to lift the lockout. I guess that I was just naive. I didn't really have an opinion when this mess hit the courts. It was all bad from the beginning. How could it get any worse? When the courts got involved it got a whole lot worse. Lawyers are idiots. They took something great, football, and just started batting it amongst themselves. Playing their own little game of keep away. Keeping the game from the players and the fans. Never really seeming to care whether either will ever see the game again. The owners and the players obviously set all of this in motion, but the lawyers set it all on fire. The lawyers put it in the courts, and the courts drained the life out of everyone.

Now, word is out that the lead players and DeMaurice Smith met with the lead owners in Chicago the past couple of days. Supposedly these were secret meetings. They may have started that way. They aren't very secret now. It's kinda hard to keep a secret these days. The really cool thing about these "secret meetings" is the happy lack of lawyers. Something might actually get done now. Today's appeal hearing may provide the final push to a settlement. Someone is going to be on the short end of the decision and may have to concede a bit. Even if the final decision comes later both parties should know today which way the court is leaning. Both can't have the leverage. Hopefully, finally, we can see a settlement when we know which side has that leverage.

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