Saturday, January 30, 2016

"...Last Rodeo"

With Super Bowl 50 fast approaching, the media had to find something for their headlines. I guess that the game wasn't enough. Well, they found something.

"Hey, listen, this might be my last rodeo. So, it sure has been a pleasure."
     -Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning

First of all, this was a private conversation between Manning and New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick following the Sunday's AFC Championship game. It should have stayed private but nothing is really private these days. Belichick's response wasn't caught on camera so reporters went scurrying to get his side of the conversation. Leave it to Belichick to squash those attempts.

"Don't have anything to share," Belichick said Monday. "I shared it with Peyton."

Nice. Bill Belichick is the best.

I just don't get this great need for a prying media and a thirsting public to know everything. Private conversations should be just that. We don't have to know everything. A little mystery can be fun.

Second of all, Manning's comments have ignited a big debate as to whether Super Bowl 50 will be his last football game. Anyone that didn't think that was a possibility before he embraced Belichick hasn't been paying attention. Manning's wonderful career has been winding down but why are we so quick to put it in the ground. He still has a game and it's a pretty big game. Why can't we just sit back and enjoy his unique quarterbacking presence one more time? People get so worked about athletes not being around that they fail to enjoy them while they are. Besides, it's his decision to make. Why are we fretting over his decision? We should let him make it when it's time for him to make it. He's not done yet.

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