Monday, July 20, 2015

Neat Stuff At The New Stadium

US Bank Stadium is scheduled to open in time for the Minnesota Vikings 2016 NFL season. It's currently at 65% complete. It looks great. It will look spectacular. It will also have the following features.

1. WiFi hotspots in the handrails providing easy, reliable access.

2. Club Purple-a Vegas-style lounge suite-allows for comfy couch space with tableside service.

3. Fantasy football stat boards

4. Snowshield. Snow slides off the roof into gutters and collection basins on the edges where it will be melted and funneled into the drainage system. This will keep the snow and ice from falling to the ground. It will also keep the roof from collapsing.

5. Downtown East Commons. A 4.2 acre park area will include a great lawn that can accommodate 7,000 people, a reflective pool, ice skating rink, pavilion, cafe, and patio.

6. "Front Door" Plaza. The West Entrance will have a 3 acre plaza that will be used for outdoor concerts and pregame festivities.

7. Obtuse and acute angles only. There will be very few right angles throughout the stadium architecture. The angularity of the building reflects Nordic/Minnesotan architectural culture and some of the angles represent the ice shards found in Minnesota winters.

8. More than 2,000 HD TVs.

9. Exceeds federal ADA requirements with 690 wheelchair and companion seats.

10. 979 toilets requiring a "flush test." High school football teams and volunteers will take part in a "flush test." Letting all 979 toilets go at the same time.

It would be a blast to take part in that last one. And I'm not sure why a "Vegas-style lounge is necessary in a football stadium.

The stadium opens about this time next year!

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