Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Shad'up Already

It's always bothered me when football players, especially former football players, use a media platform to "talk" to other football players. Football is a very small fraternity. Cut out the camera and just talk to each other. Former quarterback Donovan McNabb thinks that he's got some advice for current quarterback Robert Griffin III. Hell, McNabb is even more out of his mind thinking that he's got some advice for Robert Griffin II. If McNabb really has some advice for the Griffin family, he should just talk to the Griffin family. He wants to have a McNabb-Griffin sitdown, do it and leave the rest of us out of it. I'm not so sure that the Griffin family is down with a sitdown. If for no other reason, the manner in which McNabb has pursued this talk is likely a turnoff. McNabb seems to have mostly criticism for Griffin which is always a nice start to a talk. Of course, he prefaces it with "I'm a fan." I guess that makes it ok. He should be honest and add, "I'm just trying to stay in the news." If it sounds like I'm negative toward McNabb, I am. I think that what he's doing now is pathetic. His quarterback play for the Minnesota Vikings in 2011 was even worse. I haven't quite gotten over that. He bounced more passes to wide open receivers in half of a season than most point guards do in a career. Very sad. Donovan McNabb had a great career with the Philadelphia Eagles. Based on his play and interest with the Washington Redskins and Vikings he really has no place giving football advice to anyone. Let alone to a football player that has done so much right in such a short time. Robert Griffin III is well on his way on the field and off. He doesn't need the advice of Donovan McNabb. He certainly doesn't need to get that advice through the media.

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