Saturday, June 7, 2014

No L

So, we're going to get Super Bowl 50 and not Super Bowl L.

Representatives from the San Francisco Bay Area host committee had been lobbying the NFL to get the "L" out. It appears that the lobbying has succeeded. There will be no "L" for the Super Bowl that will be played in 2016. I don't understand why there's no love for the "L" in San Francisco. When I first heard about the host committee's lobbying I assumed that the NFL would continue as they have with their Roman numeral identification for the Super Bowl. The league routinely does what it wants. After all, they went with Super Bowl XXX. Apparently the firewalls throughout the NFL offices had all kinds of issues with emails and memos containing XXX. There are no legitimate issues with an "L" tag on a Super Bowl outside of some stupid "loser" connection. As far as I know, the no "L" is a one-time thing. Good thing as I'm looking forward to Super Bowl LIX in 2025. Unless another host committee has an issue with that one.

The NFL has been numbering the Super Bowls with Roman numerals since Super Bowl V. I found it unique as a kid and I've liked it ever since. The Super Bowl 50 designation will be used on the official logo and in promotions leading up to the game. I'm guessing that Super Bowl L will be used on promotions hidden away from the touchy San Francisco people. I'm also guessing that Super Bowl 50/L will be viewed as Super Bowl L from an historical perspective. I,II,III, and IV were thrown on the first four Super Bowls after the fact. They'll probably do the same with Super Bowl L.

This is a sad day.

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