Sunday, August 14, 2011


No video game discussion here. It's kinda sad that we may be approaching a generation that only knows Madden as a video game. They probably won't even know that there is an actual person that provided the name. John Madden provided a generation with football knowledge and football enthusiasm. His obvious love of the game flowed out of his broadcasts. The generation before that knew John Madden as a fantastic coach of the Oakland Raiders. Winning one unfortunate Super Bowl against the Minnesota Vikings. Despite that transgression, I've always loved the way that he could make the game come alive.

I would love to sit and talk football with John Madden. He's seen it all, up close, for over 50 years. Spending any gameday, anywhere, with him would be a blast. When I learned of his viewing theater, I decided that I must find him. Especially seeing as he sounds pretty free with his invites. Roger Goodell has watched games with him. So has quarterback fathers. The NFL has set Madden up with a gameday dreamland for his years of service, entertainment and education. In a large warehouse-like structure, he has theater seating with a big screen TV. Surrounding this big screen TV are nine 63" monitors. How big is the big screen TV if it is supplemented by 63" monitors? He gets all the games with each play shot from the coaches sideline, the goal line and of course the view that everyone gets. It's incredible. Essentially, he gets coaches film, live. I've never heard of such a thing. I've imagined many sweet set-ups for game viewing, but nothing in my imagination was anything like this. To watch games like this, with Madden, would be a dream. I have to find Madden. I have to find this warehouse.

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