Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Kluwe Tweets

If you consider punters football players, the Vikings' Chris Kluwe is one of the most unique players in the league. For one, he'd never be confused for one. He looks more like a computer programmer or an accountant. He prefers computer games and something called Warcraft to anything involving football. He knows little about the profession that pays him. He just happens to be great at kicking a football. He's in a band called Tripping Icarus. Despite attending UCLA, he's a very bright guy. Like many players, he's very active on Twitter. Unlike many players, his tweets are frequently hilarious.

Here's a few of his recent offerings:

"So apparently the Astros are changing their name because as a nation we fail at long term planning. This should embarrass people."

"My wife just said that Ron Paul looks like Gandalph's slightly stupider younger brother, Randy."

"How do you even describe the music video for Love Shack? You'd be institutionalized."

"Why on earth is Madonna in the canals of Venice with a lion? Seriously 80s, what was going on?"

"Honestly would living in the Matrix really be that bad? If robots could simulate a life like fantasy sci/fi MMO, I'd gladly be a battery."

"Saw a great quote from Newt. 'How can somebody run a campaign this dishonest and think he's going to have credibility running for Pres?'"

"Protip of the day-if you run 2.5 miles on the beach in the morning, doing Crossfit later may lead to severe hurtiness in the everywhere."

"Just had a wonderful Crossfit in sunny SoCal. My butt cheeks LITRALLY feel like a hobbit with a blowtorch is hiding inside them."

"Music videos from the 80s make my brain hurt."

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